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ACTION PLAN for Those Affected by California Fires

Writer's picture: Wili Baronet-IsraelWili Baronet-Israel

If you’ve experienced loss due to the fires, here’s a comprehensive guide to help you take action and navigate this difficult time. Share with anyone who may benefit.

Immediate Steps: The Small List

1. Get a PO Box

Secure your mail by forwarding everything to a PO Box. This will also serve as your stable mailing address during this process.

2. Search for a Long-Term Rental

      •   Coordinate with your insurance to ensure they pay directly for your rental.

      •   Look for a place you truly like; don’t settle. You’re entitled to a “like property,” so insurance should cover a comparable home.

      •   Plan for a potential stay of 1–2 years, so choose wisely.

3. Equip Yourself for Cleanup

Purchase sturdy boots, gloves, and shovels to help manage debris.

4. Start Your Personal Property List

      •   Begin documenting items you’ve lost.

      •   Write things down as memories come to you—use your phone or keep a notepad handy.

      •   Be prepared for this to be emotional.

5. Save Receipts

      •   Loss of Use insurance can reimburse you for incidentals like hairbrushes, phone chargers, and toiletries.

6. Ask for Discounts

      •   Let store owners know your situation. Many businesses offer discounts to help fire survivors.

7. Accept Help

      •   Let friends or family handle errands like shopping for clothes or essentials. They want to help, and this will ease your burden.

Comprehensive Steps: The Big List

1. Register with Relief Agencies

      •   Sign up at shelters, with the Red Cross, California FEMA, and other local agencies.

      •   This ensures you’re included in aid distributions and connected to resources.

2. Contact Homeowners/Rental Insurance

      •   Trigger your “Loss of Use” coverage, which includes immediate funds for essentials and temporary housing.

      •   This also starts your claim for rebuilding and personal property.

3. Secure a PO Box

      •   Forward all mail to your PO Box and use it as your mailing address for forms and claims.

4. Find a Long-Term Rental

      •   Work with your insurance company to cover payments directly.

      •   Consider renting month-to-month or with flexible terms as circumstances evolve.

5. Create an Itemized List of Belongings

      •   Organize by room and include replacement costs (not discounted prices).

      •   Document everything, even beyond policy limits, as losses can be claimed on your taxes.

6. Cancel or Freeze Utilities

      •   Call to pause or cancel electric, gas, TV, landline phone, and newspaper delivery.

7. Contact Other Insurance Providers

      •   Notify car insurance or any specialty insurers of your situation.

8. Obtain Necessary Permits

      •   Debris Removal: Check with your insurance to ensure coverage.

      •   Erosion Control: Address sloped properties to prevent further damage.

      •   Temporary Power/Trailer Permits: Get these early to aid rebuilding.

9. Understand Tax Benefits

      •   You may claim losses not covered by insurance on your taxes. Consult with a tax professional for specific guidance.

10. Network with Others

      •   Connect with others going through similar experiences.

      •   Share tips, resources, and insights to streamline your recovery process.

Need Help or Guidance?

Here’s a concise list of key organizations with their contact information and websites:

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)

Phone: 1-800-621-3362

California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES)

Phone: N/A

Los Angeles Emergency Management Department

Phone: N/A

American Red Cross

Phone: 1-800-733-2767


Stay strong—recovery takes time, but with the right steps, you’ll rebuild and move forward.

Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) General Public Info Line

Phone: 213-978-3800


Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Non-Emergency Line

Phone: 1-877-275-5273

City Services (Los Angeles)

Phone: 311

Animal Services

Phone: 888-452-7381

Emergency Management Department (Los Angeles)

Phone: 213-484-4800

Disaster Distress Helpline

Phone: 1-800-985-5990

Text: “TalkWithUs” to 66746

Los Angeles Regional Food Bank

Phone: 323-234-3030

California Department of Social Services - Disaster Help Center

Phone: 1-800-952-5253

California Department of Public Health - Disaster Assistance

California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services - Public Assistance

Phone: 916-845-8200

If you’re overwhelmed and need further assistance, reach out to local organizations, support groups, or recovery specialists. For rental housing guidance in Los Angeles or the beach cities, contact Coastal Vacation Estates at 310-801-0633 or visit


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